Ango Mustapha

…the chosen one!

B+ – Be Positive

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You have probably experienced something like this: you’re feeling good, and then you get a tearful phone call from a friend who has just been sacked from his job. He’s hurt, angry, and bitter, and even over the phone, his negativity comes through and affects you. Of course, you’re trying to make your friend feel better, but you inadvertently allow his mood to affect yours – so by the time you get off the phone, you are carrying around the energies of hurt, anger and bitterness! You spend the rest of the day in a funk.

Or, you walk into a store to exchange a defective item. The customer service clerk is not very friendly. In fact, he is quite surly. However, you choose not to get caught up in his negativity. Instead, you put on a cheerful smile, speak in a calm voice, even make some small talk, and acknowledge his kind assistance (even if he is being rude). Before you know it, he’s going out of his way to find an in-house replacement instead of ordering one, just so you can have your item right away.

These are just two examples of how emotions can change in a flash. You know that you are affected by other people’s emotions and you can influence their emotions as well.

However – when you learn to be positive, you change your life instantly. Yes, instantly. Your life experience becomes better because you choose to make it so; and then vibrationally, you will attract more to be enthusiastic about!

Finally, in the words of Zig Ziglar One small positive thought can change your whole day.

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