Ango Mustapha

…the chosen one!

NASFAT Annual Youth Week 2019

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Moments from my talk at Nasfat’s Youth Wing (Annual Youth Week 2019). we discussed Entrepreneurial mindset from an Islamic perspective.

Growing and developing the next generation of entrepreneurs is crucial for our long-term communal prosperity. In order to solve the myriad of social problems that we face, we need to support those who are solving these problems. That is why entrepreneurial education can become a crucial asset for our community.

The first step in doing so is to develop the mindset of an entrepreneur. On a community level, helping more people develop an entrepreneurial mindset means we help unleash the creative potential of muslims and non-muslims in our community.

#angomustee #tipsbyAM #entrepreneurshipdevelopment
#communitydevelopment #commongoal #uplifthub #upliftforentrepreneurs

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